Here we go folks, ROUND 2: DING DING DING!!!!
- Meg Whitman: Candidate for governor in the state of California, progressive, further to the left of Arnold Swatzenkennedy, pro abortion, anti 2nd Amendment, pro gay marriage, and Van Jones groupie. yet, people seem to believe that because she bares the insignia of the (R) next to her name, they think she is a Conservative, just because the GOP tells them she is. the GOP movers and shakers are nothing more than Bernie Madoffs in cheap polyester suits with big clown shoes and red rubber noses. Thanks to my friend Nelson, I have learned of a TRUE CONSERVATIVE candidate that can not only beat Meg "The hag-bag" Whitman, but he can also annihilate every other candidate at the polls, given the factor of him being heard and not diminished by the GOP. his name is Larry Naritelli. If you live in California, learn that name and understand what he is all about.
- Debra Medina: Candidate for governor in the state of Texas, another GOP (R) tattooed hack, Ron Paul and Rand Paul supporter, closet 9-11 conspiracy theorist (when statements are made about 9-11 being an inside job and the commenter is called on it, they back peddle), has constituents, so far everyone I have seen, all push 9-11 truther videos and support Ron Paul as well. Who is there to combat her in Texas? Well, the choices are Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison, both of which I don't know very much about, but to my understanding are better suited for the job than Medina but are not quite Conservative. They are moderates at best and basically a coin toss.
- John Mccain: Well now, what can we say about old man amnesty? Well, he agreed on thirteen platform ideas with Obama, including immigration and closing GITMO down, Mccain/Feingold...that was a travesty, "best buds" with Lindsey Graham-nesty. Need I say more? Of course I need to say more!!!! J.D. Hayworth is announcing today his candidacy for the Senate against John Mccain. J.D. Hayworth has the support of the TEA PARTY movement, Mccain does not. J.D. Hayworth is vehemently opposed to amnesty for illegals, anti-2nd Amendment legislation, big government, federal health care legislation, and tax and spend bureaucracy. J.D. Hayworth is a staunch supporter of the Constitution and state's rights without the federal government infringing on them.
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