Monday, September 15, 2008's your right, make the most of it!!!!

Well, here we are. Election time again. People are going to be going to the polls in a couple of very short months casting their vote for the next President of The United States, but are they ready? Are we ready? It seems that the citizens of our great country are faced yet again with a decision that will make history. Will our country have the first "black" president, or will we have our first woman Vice President? Decisions are hard enough for most folks. Having to juggle their own lives while being faced with something that could possibly either change their lives for better or worse. I guess it all depends on what you define as better or worse.

Difficult decisions are not easy to make. Some people don't really consider voting as a difficult decision, they just vote the way they always have or they just don't vote at all. That really is a sad way to look at things, but it is true.

Typically non-voters, in my experience, are people who are frustrated about issues posed by both parties, they just decide, " To hell with it, I'm just not going to vote." Yet they bitch and moan about the way things happen in this country. My opinion on that is this: If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. You can't just sit and wait to reap rewards without putting in the effort. You don't go to work and just pass the time until payday do you? NO. If you did, you probably wouldn't have a job, at least not in my company anyway.

Now, onto those who vote, but only because it is how their parents have done or that is just their party and their sticking to it no matter what!!! You are just as bad if not worse than the non-voters, at least they think about their decision. You need to think about everything, no matter if you agree with it or not. How would you feel if a candidate of your party was a murderer, yet you had no idea because you figure " what the hell, he represents my party, he must be okay." WRONG!!!!!!!! I'm not saying that candidates are murderers, my point is this, you need to educate yourself about your decision you plan to make. Not knowing about your candidate or anything that he/she stands for is nothing more than being blindfolded and wandering aimlessly through the Grand Canyon. IT'S VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!! You also don't have the right to bitch or complain about how things turn out, you didn't bother to educate yourself about what your candidate stands for or plans to do. The only person you have to blame is yourself for your over abundance of ignorance and how your lack of motivation to think for yourself has caused your life to be affected by your own lemming thought process. My only wish is that you don't become a driving instructor.

I am a proud, free thinking voter. I look at both parties, with a giant magnifying glass and a fine tooth comb, and I make my decision based on the facts that I obtain along with my own personal beliefs, morals and ethics. If, which is the smallest word in the dictionary with the largest meaning, I ever decide not to vote, you best be damn sure that I will have substantial reasoning for it. I will have thoroughly examined both parties, thought for myself and made that decision. Not voting because you can't decide shows lack of responsibility. Educate yourself so you will be able to make a decision, after all, it is your right to do so. Not taking advantage of your rights only allows others the ability to take away your privileges.

Lawndart Chucker

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